Pregnancy is a wonderful experience, but it can also affect your oral health. Some tips can keep your teeth and gums healthy during and after your pregnancy.
Pregnancy And Your Oral Health
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect your oral health. Pregnancy can increase your risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss. While you cannot control your hormones, the risks can be decreased with proper dental care.
Pregnancy Tips: Home Dental Care
Pregnancy is not the time to neglect your home oral care routines. Brushing and flossing should be part of your daily life. If morning sickness interferes with your ability to perform these routines, ask your dentist or doctor for advice.
Pregnancy Tips: A Healthy Diet
The foods and beverages you consume affect you, your baby, and your oral health. You may want to consult with your physician if you crave unhealthy foods. You should have a calcium-rich, balanced diet every day.
Pregnancy And Dental Visits
Your dentist may advise you to avoid certain dental procedures until after your baby is born. However, do not skip routine dental visits. In fact, it is a good idea to schedule a professional cleaning and exam as soon as you know you are pregnant.
Professional cleaning will remove bacteria, plaque, and tartar so your teeth and gums will be healthy. An examination will help your dentist determine if you have oral health issues that need to be corrected.
You may have heard the myth that women lose a tooth each time they have a baby. With good home dental care and regular visits to the dentist, this does not have to be true. You can enjoy life with your new child, and continue to have excellent oral health. If you make healthy habits a priority, your teeth and gums will be healthy after your baby is born.