Kids grow up so fast. As a parent, the days can feel long but the years are short! When your child graduates high school, you’ll feel like it was just yesterday that they were a snuggly baby. Do your best to be there as much as possible for their development and milestones. Eventually, if not in a few months time, you’ll look back grateful you soaked it all in, both the difficult and the joyful. You may even shed a few happy tears.
Here are some of the dental milestones your child will experience as they grow up!
Baby Teeth Erupting
Teething usually begins around 6 months of age. When your baby goes through periods of teething, saliva production increases and they may be more irritable. Their gums will be sore and potentially a little bit swollen, so safe teether toys are essential to help them find relief.
Typically, a baby’s 4 front teeth on the top and bottom are the first ones to erupt. By 3 years old, your child should have 20 baby teeth. These baby teeth are important placeholders for their underlying adult teeth, and help your child learn to eat and speak. They should be brushed twice a day with a child-toothbrush and a small smear of toothpaste the size of a grain of rice.
Losing Baby Teeth
Around 6 years old, kids will start losing their baby teeth to make room for their adult teeth to erupt. When a baby tooth loosens, resist yanking it out. Instead, encourage your child to wiggle it with a clean finger or tissue. The tooth will fall out when it’s ready! It will take several years for your child to lose all of their baby teeth. By age 12 or 13, they should have 28 adult teeth.
Orthodontic Consultation & Treatment
Schedule an orthodontic consultation for your child around age 7. While they may not need interceptive treatment at this time, some kids do benefit from early orthodontic treatment or myofunctional braces. Early intervention while their teeth and jaw are still developing can encourage proper alignment and prevent some orthodontic issues.
Wisdom Teeth Erupting
Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the top and bottom arch of teeth. These back teeth typically erupt between the ages of 17-26. They are not a necessary set of teeth and commonly cause complications. As your teen grows, our team can monitor their wisdom teeth to determine whether or not they should be removed.
Schedule Your Child’s Visit with Us!
Sean Abidin, DDS, and Vanessa Cao, DDS, offer gentle kids’ dentistry in Westerville, OH. We love caring for smiles of all shapes and sizes! Please contact us today to schedule your child’s visit at our office.